so marks the last of my days with ps cafe: harding. as well as the relationship.
it's like a curse, i keep reminding myself that bad things only happen in 3's. it will be over soon.
it's not funny anymore. how everyone manages to dump me sooner or later. it's not funny anymore, how everyone just decides to let go. does no one keep their resolve anymore?
whatever happened to love?
whatever happened to agape love?
it pays too much to try to fit everybody's bill nowadays, and i think that this has made me one of them.
i've given up.
i'm done, so done with being hurt.
i wish i never started this, any of this.
i wish i never played this game, because i'm against ridiculous odds.
i wish i was never fucking born.
this is not how i wanted all of this to start or end. somehow people form their own interpretations.
as what i said to doug,
perception is truth.
in which case, break up was inevitable.