i refer to the article "letter from a grassroots leader to PM" currently circulating. many of my peers have shared it on facebook with proclamations of support for this your stand, and frankly, i am not surprised. before i begin, however, i apologize in advance for the strong tone and the occasional vulgarity, the way you should have apologized for your grammer. but as someone has pointed out, it is the message, not the language.
to be honest, i am sick to death of hearing this everywhere i go. while the PAP is by no means the perfect model of democracy, i think it hilarious to discount their leadership. singaporeans who are reading this and are starting to get riled up, yes, i'm fucking talking about you too.
while your entire letter is rife with critique, you have nothing to but
i see that what you're valiantly trying to suggest is that LHL start listening to what the good people of singapore have to say about the decisions made. my question is, listen to who, exactly? people who know about the issues singapore is facing, who know about the decisions handed down by the PM and his mates, bitch about it, but do fuck all?
i have expressed my views on facebook, and a good friend of mine (intelligent and very very handsome. no hard feelings dh!), suggested that the higher management levels of the government are there to bring in the complex solutions and not lean on the suggestion of grassroots leaders such as yourself, because that is their job. his exact words in support of this statement were ""
the issue here at hand is clear, and i will address it. decisions were made, such as the white paper initiative that shook the country. i will be using this as an example as it is current, interesting, a popular topic, and i want this to be short, succinct and precise to a point. a precaution must be taken prior to this, and i must warn whoever is reading that you may not like what you read here on out.
an aging population, an immense competition for work, the rising cost of living.. these are all issues to be dealt with. the population white paper (PWP) was intended as a solution, and to the best of our leaders' knowledge, the most viable solution. obviously, this view is contested by a vast majority of singaporeans. everyone knows this, because everyone hears it, and everyone speaks of it. it is hence popular opinion that the PWP is the problem. hell, the PAP is the problem, and a majority of the fault lies with our PM.
i fucking disrespectfully disagree.
the sordid truth is, dear singaporeans, that you are the problem. not all of you, of course, not those who see things for what they really are. the ones that i am talking about here are those who, bitch, whine, complain about everything and anything, but do nothing. i do not, cannot respect you, and i do not care for your disdain when you speak of your country and government.
the greatest cause for concern at hand is not really an aging population or any of the aforementioned hurdles our society has to overcome, but the attitude that many of you singaproeans have adopted towards your life here. singaporeans complain about "foreign invasion" causing rife, taking our childrens' slots in schools, taking our jobs, marrying our women, while the blatant fact you turn a blind eye to is that the people here have gotten less motivated to strive to be the best. you complain about taxes, the high cost of living, forgetting that development of a country comes at a cost as well. you bitch about blanket laws that grip our society, and put restrictions on so much, but forget that our young are safe guarded by the very same rules.
pointing the accusatory finger has become culture here simply because it is easier than fixing the problem. streets would be dirtier, more dangerous, if not for stringent laws that govern smoking, alcohol and drug intake, and littering. roads would be even more congested if not for road tax, import tax, the erp system and the high cost of vehicle ownership. the streets would be narrow, buildings dilapidated, factories old, and society backward if not for the tax that we all pay.
yes, living in this country is causes strain that we all feel. but what differentiates those successful and those just getting by is their motivation; a little something many singaporeans have ditched in favor of a stone to cast.
the solution to this problem, which is the underlying cause of every other one, is not something your government can slap a fine on, pass a referendum for, or impose a governing law upon. in fact, it's pretty much impossible to come outright and speak about to begin with, as telling a country that it's own people is the enemy is pretty much deemed a downright stupid thing to do. well the PAP may be too politically savvy (politically correct), to see it done but that is no concern of mine.
singaporeans, fix yourselves. fix your mindset, mentality and attitude before it infects the minds of the next generation and they are poisoned to anything that would otherwise promote growth of our country. leave your cock-stroking for something less detrimental to yourselves, leave your arrogance, conformity to popular opinion, and wake up your fucking idea. the first step to solving a problem is recognizing that there is one. lucky for you lot, you only need go as far as your mirror.
maybe then, we can talk about how to better tailor a answer to our economical, social, environmental and political challenges.
sarah t.