Sunday, November 6, 2011


im getting quite sick of your constant pulling and pushing. you show moments of sincerity, then complete indifference the next second. you ask me out, then spend time telling me about someone else you're seeing. you say you understand what i went through with you but you behave as if i should be the one apologizing. it's not funny anymore tee.

so what if i still have feelings leftover from what would be our pathetic little romance? i'm only normal and have emotions, but it doesn't give you the right to treat me like crap. i've accepted that i'll just end up being number 39 to you, but there's limit to what i would allow someone to do to me and being your bloody plaything is defo not what i authorized.

like i said, regardless of how i feel about you at the present moment, i have made the decision to move on and in this, i will, doubtless, succeed.

get THAT into your head, you pompous, stubborn, egoistical, genius, millionaire, playboy jerk.

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