Monday, September 21, 2009

alright, alright, slow down.

so i was wondering how people can be so blind to each others' faults. how A can trust another being with his darkest secrets, fully aware of B's inability to keep his mouth shut. how C can take A's word for it, whatever the subject matter, knowing that A's dishonest as hell and couldn't tell the truth if it was pointing a gun at A. how B can take C seriously, knowing that C isn't.. well, a serious person.

i had a revelation, folks. that people are all the fucking same.

we're analog players in a digital world.

we've all been programmed. while to know, think, reason, and react, are all well within our grasp, to actually do what we should is, at times completely out of the question. how do you beat a system you were born to?

and THAT, my friends, is the fault the mighty power, emotions.

why the rant?

i'm just saying, people should really start taking me more seriously. i laugh and joke when i have to, because i have to. it is essential when it comes to my survival in certain circumstances, in this instance, work. i may be careless and overlook certain things, i may be forgetful.

but i am,

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