Sunday, December 18, 2011


apparently, the year has not only been shit for me, but also for all of singapore. possibly the world. amusing, but devastatingly embarrassing things have made both annoyed and ashamed of my nationality, because of such idiocies that my fellow countrymen have claimed ownership of. this post is solely dedicated to airing my views because such is the burden of being a brilliant blogger, and this opportunity to rant is too good to miss. and so, without further ado, a rundown of all that has been going on in this circus.

the hosehbo experience:
the what would be her slapping her mother and the where would be her keeping the universe posted by declaring the life-changing experience on facebook. responses were, at least to us normal people, predictable. shockingly, miss hosehbo responded angrily.
to all that have been flaming that little shit, leave her alone. bitching and getting all riled up isn't going to change anything really. and to HSB, like hello? what do YOU have anything to be angry about. you slapped your mother and posted it on a public forum. blame your absence of a brain, oxygen thief.

the aaron tan hooplah:
boy meets girl, boy loves girl, girl leaves boy, girl loves another boy. sadly, these are everyday occurrences. now, posting a video on youtube about it, is not. 18 year old aaron tan seems to have something to prove and nobody is quite sure what it is. understandable, BECAUSE HIS ENGLISH IS MOTHER- INCOMPREHENSIBLE. unfortunately, of all people to watch this video and post a video response, a foreigner does. nothing against foreigners, of course, but this one just happened to be so rude, everyone was on aaron's side all of a sudden.
first off, why was this clip on aaron's personal rant going viral in in the first place? perhaps it is my impatience that made me cut off the video a minute or so into it, but i really didn't see anything worth my time. second, why is this holysoldierguy or whatever replying to aaron. do you KNOW him? also, why the racism man, where's the love? plus, it really is none of your bloody beeswax.
what i do not understand is what this phenomenon of singaporeans picking sides is caused by: national pride, or just plain hypocrisy. just a thought.

the SMRT debacle:
yes the trains stopped twice in two days, yes a piece of the fucking ceiling broke off and hit someone, yes people could have died. also, there are millions of people dying of starvation. planes are crashing. men, women and children alike are fighting wars in order to stay alive. serial killers are aplenty and people vanish everyday.
my point is folks, shit happens. as i was explaining to TIMMYIZKING yesterday, with an operation on a scale that large, accidents are inevitable.

there you have it. is it any wonder that i'd rather be somewhere far, far away? some advice from a shady character:




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