Friday, February 11, 2011

parable of the ice cream truck.

today shall be spent with the boyfriend. unfortunately, he has things planned and will be on the other side of the sunny isle.

when he works so near to my home, is it justified that i feel a little annoyed that he didn't bother asking if he should come over to get me? or do i detect the first scent of the princess syndrome approaching?

in case the answer is closer to the second presented option, i really have to put this terrible thought out of my head.

sure, ladies out there like to feel pampared by their other-halves, and i am incresingly aware that some of my femanist airs are melting. however, i'm still a firm believer that when given a treat once in a while, no one should confuse gratitude with expectation.

really, it is a lot sexier that i can take care of myself and get from point A to point B without being ferried all over the place.. and if i recall, it's one of the (doubtless, many) reasons why R fell head over heels for me.

maybe i'm just getting lazy thinking about the ride from bedok to motherfucking sengkang. oh well.


ohh ra, a thousand and one excuses.

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