Saturday, July 25, 2009

words, hands, hearts.

you're a fucking nazi. and you're telling people that you think that people believing the beliefs of people long dead is bullshit.

you're so fucking full of it. no wonder your mom thinks she deserves a better son. better person my ass.

on a different note, i sincerely hope MERVY feels better about life and other such things. because i don't like seeing my friends sad. hunni cheer up, we all love you luhh. i hope you know you can always talk to me. :]

recently got in contact with tiffy, ruffles, saito, mark, and other long lost people that i used to hold dear. what is it about people that pulls us apart, i wonder. regardless, i'm glad i did, and you won't believe me if i told you how very nice it is to know i was missed.


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