Tuesday, August 28, 2012

not the second after or before.

today is urban ears day at work.

breaking my week long silence with a post about somethings that i don't get in/about social media.



now i understand hashtagging in twitter for actual words. does anyone actually know how this phenomenon came about? according to wiki, this form of identification in chatrooms, and then became a form of micro-posting/micro-blogging and emphasis. still, on facebook? has no one yet realized that facebook does not support hashtags as metadata?

gahh. and i thought i was slow.


what the fuck does this even mean? is the statement not short enough for you lazy bastards? for those of you who are as clueless as i am, YOLO stands for "you only live once" and is now used by hipster wannabes as an excuse for doing very stupid things. you will see it's appearance in conversations along these lines.

"dude im so drunk typing in caps hurts my head.. drinks later though?"
"mother of god, john was just talking about getting a tattoo on his penis!"
"i know i've only known him for three weeks, but should we get married?"

and the reply to all these idiotic proclaimations would be
(this does not stop the facepalming and regret the following morning.)

word-shortening to the point of causing major confusion. for example, what the hell is "feels"? as in:

"whoever from wherever is so hot and and and, oh my godddddddddddddd, the feelssssssssssss!"

enough said.

sorry sheri, it was the best example i could think of hahaa.

while i all but drool over the korean men, it is a fact they make horrendous dramas. in fondant garden, a taiwanese/korean hybrid that reduced me to tears only 92 times, i have to admit half of the 16-episode series are flashbacks. also, what is up with the roundabout storyline? i swear, every bloody korean drama is like turn-left-turn-fucking-right. (k-fans should know what i mean.)

other things that aggravate me:
  • why are all then men so hot and all the girls so average looking?
  • why are the girls too cute and all the men too perfect?
  • why is it that all villains have redeeming factors so it's impossible to hate them?
  • is it actually possible that a cake can be made from scratch in 15 minutes? if not, why are they made to order in this drama?
  • what's with the koreans being dubbed over in mandarin and the taiwanese being dubbed over in korean? why? WHY?

sighhh feeling frustrated all of a sudden. korean drama hotties, why are you all too good to be true?

shall be all for today then.

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