Thursday, August 14, 2008

i fucking hate lizards.

advise me on this.

my parents have finally decided after watching with a wary eye of my non-improvement at republic polytechnic for a year and a half, to pull me out. i'm dropping out of school.

fascinatingly enough, my parents have this grand idea that if they send me to temasek polytechnic, i will actually do better. even better, the only options open to me as a result of my poor grades, are Information Technology related. basically, what i am currently doing at RP.

i'm stuck with the obvious choice, IT or nothing at all.

like i told D, my heart isn't saying what my mind is, so i'm fucked, basically. please the parents and force myself to try to like it, or go out and work, save, then pay for my own education in something i do love.

help me bitches.

on another note, like the title suggests, I FUCKING HATE LIZARDS.

my dad just came into my room five minutes ago, and took advantage of my half-dead state for the benefit of his entertainment. it went like this.

dad: sarah pick up the dead lizard on the floor.
me: orh. (bends over to pick up the thing.)
dad: WHAT ARE YOU DOING. don't you want to get a tissue first?
(looks at the grey gummy of a lizard in my fingers and drops it, and runs to the toilet to wash my hands and feet.)

it was pandemonium and chaos for a bit, and i was hysterically cursing my father for doing something this cruel. he knew that i wasn't awake and waited till i picked it up with my very own fingers, before he asked me what i was doing. he knew my state of mind. HE KNEW. for the record i am not stupid. i was partially deaf, mostly still asleep, and i wasn't wearing my glasses, meaning i was blind as well.

lizards and i do not fucking bode well, and you'd think that my father of 18 odd years would know that by now.


i have yet to take a picture of the city lights from d's balcony. :( and lee, catching up with you last night was awesomez, really. take care of yourself aye?

MIKE I LOVE YOU LAH. hee hee, sexy bastard. :D

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