Sunday, August 24, 2008

start coming up with your own lines for a change.

i'm apologetic, to those who await my every post with bated breath, that i haven't been posting. yes i've been busy. forgive me, i haven't had the time because i've been coping with my pent up angst and frustrations. i never knew how much of that i had.

okay i lied. anyway, after the day at the interview, came friday.

it's nice, if any of you noticed.

met up with soulmate. hanky pankied. i will not post pictures because i do not have any. haa.

was supposed to meet boy after that, and did briefly. kfc-ed with the both of them at cine. we then went up to the 9th floor and had a round of foosball, at which i


as usual. boy decided getting trashed by a girl at a supposedly manly thing wasn't worth it (HAHA) so he went back to work. soulmate and i were bored and had plenty of time to kill. so what did we do?


ahh yes, the famed past-time of no lifers. brings back memories so sweet that are coincidentally the same ones i want the most to forget. regardless, after protesting for a good ten minutes, i caved and allowed soulmate to indulge in his fantasies of being an iraqi modern-day warrior.

because soulmate is WAYYYYY nicer than mervyn, i will admit to this. i got owned. a small consolation was that we joined one of those huge ass groups of fucking pros and he got owned too. so it's okay.

soulmate had to head off, so he dropped me off at volar, and i was marked present second day in a row. damien had the nine o'clock shift, so we headed off to the pub next door and sang funny songs on the karaoke thing. he bought me two vodka redbull doubles. (see soulmate, i do support your cause)

headed back to volar just in time to catch freddy and THE confrontation began. favorite bartenders were joking about having to hide knives and scissors and whatnot. actually anything that was a potential weapon. but really there was no need for that. i just needed the truth.

apparently, no girlfriend. or rather, the answer he gave was "complicated". i know by now when i hear a yes and a no when i hear it. that was almost definitely a yes. at the same time, i recognized the glimmer of sincerity when he said he still loved me a significant bit and wouldn't lie to me.

for the record, i am not turning soft, nor is this particular blog post turning into some emo rant. like i've repeated this a thousand times before, i just hate being lied to.

eitherway, i allowed myself to be rewarded with a kiss for staying sober for so long, and we made nice. had a few more whiskey cokes, and that really put me in my place. i met nice foreign students from china who are on scholarship in NAFA, then came home piss drunk.

saturday was pretty much shit. woke up with a hangover, and the already bad day just got worse. decided to meet dance god, and chill at the studio with his other dance people. it began to rain, when i decided i was late, so i just got late-r.

was bored as hell when i realized some of the people there couldn't dance for SHIT. yeahh just girls trying to look hot and not succeeding. their fat thighs and all. eww.

was supposed to get my ass down to volar yet again. but decided my time would be better spent getting funky with dance god, so i did. one more thing apart from pillowtalk that i hate with a vengeance is being fucking SMUGGLED.


go home and cultivate your balls.

today was tiring as hell. and boring. was up at 8. plans to meet one of the multitudes of exes was a bust, and boy housed me for a few hours when i was stranded in town. went over and watched a few minutes of porn, then watched this uber sick movie called OLD BOY.

omg. i won't say anymore in case you actually do go watch it. but i swear to god, you will NOT be disappointed.

"i never get talked to like that, EVER.
regardless of how slutty you think i am,
or how much i enjoy sex,
i hate to tell you and burst your bubble, but

you may quote me.

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